Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Last Blue Crab Wikipedia Post

For my final Wikipedia post on "Blue Crabs" I added an extra little bit of advice to people who harvest crabs in their spare time for a personal use. I gave the useful information about how to fatten up crabs so that when it is time to cook them they are that much more plump as well as tastier.

I added: In some case people will then take the crabs that they have harvested for the day and put them in what is known as a "keeper pot." A "keeper pot" allows for personal crabbers to catch crabs over a period of time, accumulate a decent harvest, and then have a "crab feast." Another advantage of a "keeper pot" is it allows a crabber to fatten up the crabs they catch by feeding them over the week or so that they are harvested. By putting a few pieces of chicken in a day and allowing the crabs to eat, they become fatter, resulting in a more plump crab when it is time to eat them.

I hope that people will put this great piece of knowledge to work, and look forward to the harvest this summer.

The link is:

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