Friday, May 11, 2007

Comments on John Battelle's Searchblog's Article- "Sorry, A Google Search Can Get You Passed Over For A Job"

I went through a list of articles on John Battelle's Searchblog and found one that caught my eye, "Sorry, A Google Search Can Get You Passed Over For A Job." The article was one that seemed interesting because as a college student looking for jobs and internships it was interesting to read into about how a simple Google search can put your job into jeopardy. In the tech savvy world we live into today information about someone is located all over the internet. My biggest concern facing getting a job came from, but it turns out that is not the only place where information can be found.

Back to the article. The article titled "Judges Say Google Background Checks Are Okay" gave a brief look at how a Google search can effect your job status. The case that they highlighted focused on the fact that information about a person's past job and how they had been fired was found on Google, could add to a case of firing someone. The final gist of the article was to simple be aware that the internet and Google is powerful and that searches about oneself can be used in a negative way towards their job, but who knows it could also possibly benefit them.

The link for the article is-

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