Sunday, March 25, 2007

Teammate Blog

I just recently went through some of the blog posts on Anne Wylde blog. The one that I really found interesting was the one that was commenting on her second wikipideia post about the town of Paderno del Grappa, Italy and how here stay there on abroad allowed fro her to have some informationg to add to wikipedia. The way that he trip allowed for her to make an experience and really get something out of it and take that an apply it to something like this class. Here is a link to her blog,

Comments on Modern Marketing- Blog by Sollabarte PR & Marketing

The article "Modern Marketeers Love Change" is a short little articlt that highlights the issue of change in the marketing world. The main information come from marketer Jeff Jarvis and his main idea is that it is more important to foccus on teh culture of the time and have an indepth view of the people inorder to market to them. I feel like he is rigth in every way. It is not allways about the latest things that meet peoples eye, but what thoses people want and understand. the link is

Link to the main website

This is a post that was suppsoed to be done earlier in the year, but I guess I just thought any hyperlink would do, but it needs to be the class one, so here it is.

Comments on John Battelle's Searchblog

This is a post just to comment on the article, "if there was nothing bu time..." on John Battelle's searchblog. The article commented on the futuer of the internet and the sofware and what is next. He comments on how the world of computing has one front runner in Google, and they ask the question if anything else will compete with their advancements. He says how Vista was somewaht of a bust, so now what. I think that the futre for somethign like the internet and computer software is always changing and new companies are always jumping in, so you know someone will be coming after Google sooner or later. The link is

Tools for Research

In class when we discussed the idea of the benfits of using the internet for market research. The idea of a Focus Group, where a group of people asked to discus themselves and answer questions asked by a monitor, this is typically used in a face to face interview and is not as easy to get people together as it is with online research.
Things such as Chat Rooms and Discussion Boards are much easier to use and get information from the poeple that are in the surveys. The chat rooms enables the subject of the research to interact in real time with each other while being in seperate places. This make for an easir way to get results and answers to how people feel about a certian topic.


One of the topics that we discussed in class that I found interesting was the idea of cybersquatting. The way that it is used in intellectual marketing such as taking someones trademark. The idea of taking a domain name for the purpose of holding onto it untill the name would become popular and then sell it to a trademark holder. I could see this issue arrising when perhaps an upcoming young sports player would have is name taken as a website then have once he becomes famous the websit get be boughten out for a profit. Overall I just thought that the idea a cypersquating was an interesting one.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Away at Albany

This past weekend myself and the Delaware Lacrosse team travled to the bitter clod and snow pilled campus of Albany New York. The game was one that did not go in our favor, but I writing this blog to give a bit of insight of what goes on in the 2 days of beign away from campus and the 5 hour bus ride. The start of the trip begins at the crack of dawn, bus leave at 7:15 and according to coach fi you don't make it there at that time we will leave without you. So wake up at 6:30, get your roomate up, drive down, grab your oversized bag full of everything you will need for the next two days, pop in the i pod, and snuggle up with your neighbor on the bus with your favorite pillow. The drive starts and you struggle to fall back asleep because of the chatter in th background from guys telling stories and the uncomfortable position you are in because you are sharing a row of seats with your buddy that is 6-2 200 lbs. Once you dose off hours go by like minutes, and 20 or 30 songs on suffle latter your already up at Albany and getting ready for a mid day pregame practice. The practice is one that is quick and easy, coach doesn't want to kill you the day before a big game. After practice hop back on the bus in your gear and ride 20 mins to the hotel. Pull up and its your favorite a marriot, most comfortable beds I have ever slept in, the things are so comfrtable you wake up and cant tell which way is up or down, your caught in a cloud of pillows and down comforters. Get into the hotel room, I'm sharing a room with my fellow defnesive midfileder Brett Manney, we tend to stay with players who share the same position. Luckly for me that is one of the funnest and most entertaining people I know in Brett, a 6-3 goofy trip from outside of philidelphia. Our newest instalment to our room is a freshmen named Curtis Dickson, a midfileder from the other side of North America, Bristish Columbia Canada. There is much more to the trip but as for now I'm just going to leave it at this, a long bus ride and a comftorable night sleep with teamates you truley appreciate.